Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kaygee Turns 2!!!

Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you... sweet little kaygee turned 2 today!

He walked around all day today saying "birthday, birthday, birthday"...
we did all of his favorites today...
lunch, snack, nap, snack, dinner, park, bubbles, cake, presents, playtime, bedtime...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer is here. Where'd all the kids go?

Now that summer is here and kids are out of school, I figured they'd be home helping with babies, making a mess, driving mom crazy, and generally running amuck. But they have spent less time at home now that they are out of school than they did before.

Our family schedule has been totally turned upside down. It's tough to keep things going when the structure if school schedules goes away.

This will be good. Now is a good time to re-organize, re-evaluate, and re-commit.

Wish us luck.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

firsts go round 'n' round....

baby firsts...first smile, first step, first word,
teenage firsts...first car, first date, first broken heart....

babys firsts are also their parents firsts, junior doesn't care about his first step, he cares more about the step after, and the one after that... the ones that lead him 8 or 10 feet from where he started,

teenagers firsts are not theirs alone either...

my latest teenage first...
Keeley received her patriarchal blessing today. I was in awe.

Thank you, keeley, for another first...

something isn't nothing...

okay... so i didn't make it long on the treadmill... 1 mile/4laps/ 107 calories/ 15 minutes...
I realised that it was bordering on unstable to have to walk on the treadmill... especially given the hour.. or it was Internet explorer stopped working and there goes Hulu....i mean hey i can walk, i can walk briskly... with a 5% incline...but I need a distraction..from walking.